It can be summed up in two words: Fishing Trip. Even with a home Badger football game this weekend and a buddy coming into town, it's going to be tough for this weekend to beat last weekend.
Each year, the guys in my family embark on our own version of a mecca-like journey to Wisconsin's Northwoods (no, it's not nort'-uh-ate for you purists - I'm looking at you, babe - but it's pretty close). The journey is known as The Fishing Trip.
It's not just any fishing trip, it's The Fishing Trip. I get so excited about this, that this brief video pretty well articulates how I blow town once a year...
It's a fun trip. While the amount of fishing has diminished significantly over the trip's 42-year history, there's still just as much fun had. I think men and women should be able to gather on occasion as a gender under certain circumstances. I'm not a big believer in men-only or women-only activities to the exclusion of others in your workplace or personal lives. But every now and again, I do believe it's nice to get a bunch of guys together to play cribbage, golf and rip off some legendary farts.
I'm sure women like to gather every now and again for a good old fashioned pillow fight... in their underwear... while watching scary movies... in their underwear. What?!?!?! I don't know what it is you ladies do when you're together. Whatever it is, you have to promise me you'll never EVER ruin this image for me!
Anyways, everyone usually cruises up north with their favorite beer, a cigar or five and kicks back and relaxes. This year, I brought a 2011 batch of cherry bounce and it went over very well. I'd be remiss if I didn't give a shout out to my cousin and her hubby, who've been infusing machines. Not only have they completed at least three or four infusions from my blog that I'm aware of, but they even made the trip to Door County to pick their very own tart cherries for their cherry bounce. I'm a firm believer that if you pick them yourself, they infuse better. Certainly this is complete nonsense, but hey, it enhances the fun!
So that explains my hiatus.
But fear not I'm back and infusing more than ever. Case in point; Wednesday night a couple pals came over and we made six different infusions. Yes, you read that right. That's more infusions than I've done in the entirety of this blog. We were busy little infusion machines ourselves. The best part is that every single one of the six infusions will make a delicious base for the same cocktail... and one of them has bacon in it. So, I'll have plenty of content and plenty of fun over the next few weeks!
Want a clue?
What is the one drink that everyone makes differently, but has in common vodka, tomato juice, a blend of spices and is called a Bloody Mary?
Give up?
It's a Bloody Mary!
Until next time, cheers,