As my Man (blog) Overboard post alluded to, I went a little
bonkers at my local Farmer’s Market near the end of June. The result was lots and lots of berries. If you are lucky
enough to live in a part of the world that didn’t have a diminished berry crop
this year, go hog wild. Otherwise, I’m afraid you might be stuck buying from
your local grocery store.
If you are skipping your workout to make this infusion,
don’t feel too bad about yourself. Why? Did you know raspberries are really
good for you? It’s among the plant foods with the healthiest contents (I think).
They are a rich source of vitamin C, manganese and are rich in antioxidants.
Take that, oxidants!
So there you have it, skip your workout for the betterment
of all your friends’ inebriation, um… er…. I mean health.
So, without further ado, I give you… raspberry vodka.
Infusion period: 4-7
Materials you’ll
1 pint of fresh raspberries
One quart-sized canning jar
375ML of vodka (or more if you like)
wire strainer or a coffee filter (not pictured)
funnel (not pictured)
1 pint fresh raspberries
375 ML vodka (or more)
Approximately 14 drinkable ounces if you fill your entire 1 quart Mason Jar after adding your 1 pint of fresh raspberries.
How to make this tasty
Wash your fresh raspberries, removing any bad
If your canning jar has a measurement on the
side like mine, use it to measure your vodka.
Add your berries to your canning jar.
Seal your jar (duh)
Shake it up.
Store in a cool dry place.
Shake well every day, or even a couple times a
day if you’d like. The key to this tasty drink is the juice.
strain from your canning jar into another container with a coffee filter or cheesecloth
if your guests are squeamish about the berry bits.
How to drink your
tasty drink:
Much like most infusions, you can serve raspberry vodka many
ways. At room temp, cooled in your freezer, over ice or in a martini.
What I learned after
doing this for the very first time:
A good scientist always tests their experiments. I’m pretty
excited about how the raspberry turned out. Straight up, this drink is pretty
dynamic. At first, you taste vodka, with the strong flavor of raspberries
chasing quickly behind it. I think the beverage would make for a very
interesting mixed drink with soda water, tonic water or a white soda like
sprite or 7-Up.
Almost ready to enjoy. |
Finally, in the interest of science, I tasted the raspberries. Much like most of my infusions thus far, they tasted very boozalicious and lacked all the flavor of a fresh raspberry. This doesn't surprise me, as much of the berry flavor has been pulled into the vodka. Still, not bad!
Want some fun mixed
Raspberry Lemon Drop:
Mix 1 oz. lemon juice, 1 oz. of your raspberry vodka
infusion and 1 tsp. sugar in a martini shaker with ice. Shake your little heart
out and pour it into a shot glass. I’m told it tastes great when you rim the
shot glass with sugar.
3 oz. Raspberry
Vodka, 1 oz. Triple Sec, 1/2 oz. Fresh
Lemon Juice & 1/2 oz. Simple
Mix the above with ice in a martini shaker cup, pour and
Recipe Alterations:
I’m interested to hear your feedback. Please, let me know
what you think!