Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Q: Does it matter what kind of vodka you infuse?

I told you I’m a cheap bastard, didn’t I? I've recently been chatting with a neighbor about my blog. I guess it’s safer to tell an almost stranger that I’ve entered the blogosphere than it is to tell my friends. At best, he’ll dig the site and visit often. At worst, he’ll just smile and nod until I get the hint and realize I’m that really annoying guy on the bus who just won’t shut up about his vodka infusions (actually, I think I am that guy!).

Don't over think your choice of vodka for your infusion!
Tip: buy what you'd normally buy or downgrade a bit.
The other day, he asked me if it matters what kind of vodka one infuses. It’s a great question, and one that deserves an answer.
Huge disclaimer here: I sucked at science classes. I’m not a mixologist, I’m not a bartender and I’m not a scientist. The closest I’ve ever gotten to the alcohol industry is a barstool at one of my favorite two Madison bars, the Argus and Genna’s
So please, allow me to give you vodka advice based on nothing more than what I've learned on the street... er... at the pub. Hey, what I lack in formal training, I more than make up for with personal experience!
Q: Does it matter what brand of vodka to infuse?
A: It depends. Here are my vodka rules:
1.      I’m a cheap bastard (but you already knew that). I'm a public worker and thus, I buy what I can afford.
        Note: I am for sale. If Stoli wants to sponsor this blog, I’ll only buy Stoli. If Smirnoff wants a piece of me, they can have me. If someone wants to ship me a case of vodka, please do. If… you get the picture.
2.      I don’t buy infused vodka. Why buy what you can make yourself? It’s much more fun to infuse your own. And, I know I’m making mine with the freshest of ingredients. Although, I’m almost certain the alcohol will kill anything that isn’t fresh. Not to mention infusing infused vodka will seriously mess with your flavors. Finally, infusing infused vodka just seems…dumb. No offense to any big strong (wo)men out there who infuse already infused vodka. Please don’t beat me up!
3.      My dad always told me you get what you pay for. While this isn’t a rule with vodka, he’s not that far off. Plus, my dad’s pretty wise and thus, I try to invoke his wisdom whenever I can.

4.      Don’t ruin the good stuff. Please don’t waste your money by experimenting with really expensive vodka. Just because you can afford it doesn’t me doesn’t mean you should waste it. Seriously, I'll turn you in for alcohol abuse!

5.      Vodka absorbs each infusion differently. With some infusions, the fruit, herbs or candy really flavor the vodka (i.e. marshmallows). Yet in others, the infusion just accents the vodka (i.e. cucumber). 
So, you too can be a cheap bastard like me if you are infusing the right stuff!

6.      Buy what you would normally buy and if anything, downgrade a tad. You’re not drinking this vodka straight up, so the quality of the vodka matters less in infused vodka. And it matters even less if you don’t plan to drink your infusion straight up. If you plan to cut it with soda, etc, the quality matters even less (I guess this is debatable).

7.      Bacon makes everything better. This is one of life’s maxims. It is really irrelevant to this conversation, but think about it for a minute… hmmm….

8.      Still thinking about bacon? Yeah, me too! Mmmmmmmm.

9.      When in doubt, buy the one with the funniest label/name. This isn’t my rule, it’s my lady-friend’s rule. And let’s be honest, which matters more? What I think, or what she thinks?

10.     A friend once told me an old college trick of his was to buy cheap vodka and run it through his water filter (Britta, Pur, etc). His claim is that the charcoal filters help purify the vodka and make it taste better. Then he infuses it. I’ll admit, I’ve tried this before. What do I know? I suck at science! But in addition to being a cheap bastard, I can’t argue with my friend. He drinks like a champ. So I admit, I’ve filtered my cheap vodka a time or two in the past. I’m not sure it helps, but the placebo affect is amazing!

Just for getting this far through this post, I'll give you a sneak peak. Coming soon to a booze blog near you... marshmallow vodka! Yum!



1 comment:

  1. Try Tito's vodka. Not horribly expensive but quite decent. Even just over rocks with a twist.


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