Saturday, August 25, 2012


Okay, okay, okay, I know... I promised you blackberry infused vodka. And I'm a man of my word. I'll reveal that in the next few days.

But I'm just so excited about something totally awesome that I had to share it with you. It's going to be so legendary, that I couldn't quite say it like Barney Stinson does. So, I figured I'd let him explain how awesome it is going to be!

Oh yes, the lactose intolerant joke is my favorite. Mostly because I am.

Okay, I'm so excited that I'm starting to get off track here. Back to the awesomeness. Last Wednesday, a friend and I turned six quarts of cherries into what most assuredly is going to be the most uber awesomest bestest most delicious and tasty infusion in the history of infusions. Oh yes, that's right blog fans now numbering ten, the cherry bounce is here.

I'm so excited (can you tell?) that I can't wait to write it up. It was well worth it to go to the farmer's market on the other side of town, arrive at 6:30am and spend $5 per quart for tart cherries straight out of Door County, Wisconsin.

Mostly, this infusion is going to be LEGEN (wait for it) DARY because the tart cherry crop was almost completely decimated this year. It took a small miracle to get the darn things all the way down to Madison's west side farmer's market. Most farmers just held pick-your-own specials because there weren't enough cherries to hire people to pick them, pack them and ship them. Thus, upon arrival, the tart cherries didn't last long at the farmer's market.

That's right, this party animal (not really) went to bed at 10pm on a Friday night for the first time in six years (not really) to get up at the ass crack of dawn (really) to get fresh tart Door County cherries. And then... I had to promptly freeze them because I was too busy helping my boss win that great crime fighting promotion.

Well, after great patience from a certain someone who occasionally shares a home with me (a home with no space in the freezer) I finally pulled half my stash out and turned them into yummy goodness.  A special thanks also goes to my friend and partner in crime, who came over Wednesday night and helped me clean my freezer (and about a dozen Mason jars and six quarts of cherries).

The cherry bounce project photographed well, and smelled delicious during the concocting process. Oh, and I had to clean my kitchen (for the most part) before the project started, so it was a great excuse to get my life together.

Q: What's more fun than concocting with Craig?
A: Drinking while concocting with Craig!

Yup, my pal and I started off with a glass of Summer Berry Vodka Splash (drinks like a sangria, but tastier).

Then, I cracked a jar of my 2011 Door County Cherry Bounce. First, there's the rich cherry smell. Then, there's the deep red cherry color as it sits in your brandy snifter. Then, there's smell as you bring your glass up to your lips followed by the mixture of sweet and tart as it hits your lips, then your tongue. As it goes down your throat, cherry bounce leaves just the perfect after taste.

Sound boozalicious (and a little dirty)? It was (and it wasn't)! Don't worry, my friend only lives a half a block away. She made it home safely.

You see, cherry bounce is the concoction to beat all other concoctions. Don't believe me? Just try it. I dare you. And I'm making it now, early in the life of this blog. Why wouldn't I save the best for last? Simple. It's cherry season (and I think my girlfriend might like the freezer back).

So, to the ten most dedicated followers, whether you get this emailed to you or you subscribe via Blogger, I promise you that in the coming days, I will not only reveal blackberry vodka, but cherry bounce.

Q: You know what else would be legendary?
A: If you'd help me promote my blog by encouraging friends, neighbors and that one weird guy you pass by on the street every day to sign up via Blogger or to have the blog emailed to them.

A legen (wait for it) dary cheers to you,


P.S. Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012 marks the day most of you will get this blog emailed to you. It also marks the day that my wonderful girlfriend will run the Duluth Triathlon, which she keeps referring to as a half Iron Man (trust me, it's not named after me. if it were, it'd be the vodka man). Yup, my baby will be swimming, biking and running more than 70 miles on Sunday. Her hard work will once again make her more productive by noon than I'll be all day. And I couldn't be more proud. Good luck baby! She truly is legen (wait for it while she finishes her swim... and then her bike... and then her run) dary!

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