Friday, August 31, 2012

Honor our workers this Labor Day

Labor Day is right around the corner, and it's got me thinking about my dad.

This Labor Day weekend, I'm toasting to the man who helped me get a job as a union paper mill worker, which helped me pay for college. He taught me the value and honor of a hard day's work.   

My dad is a patriot who fought for this country and even gave an organ for it. He and my mom raised four great kids who couldn't be any more different, yet couldn't be more similar. From my dad, I learned how to be loyal to a fault, and for that, I'm grateful.

And more and more, I feel like I'm turning into my father. You know, all those things that either made you smile or slightly annoyed you in high school. Here's my checklist:
  1. I fall asleep on the couch a lot watching the Milwaukee Brewer's games but wake up just in time to yell at the TV and question the manager's decision to pull the pitcher one pitch too late.
  2. I've noticed the volume on my TV slowly increasing with age.
  3. I turn off lights incessantly in rooms I'm not in because I'll be damned if I'm paying the electric company those extra few pennies! 
  4. I watch NFL football games more to yell at the refs than to watch my favorite team.
  5. Don't you dare leave my front door open when the air conditioning is on. I'm not paying to cool the entire neighborhood!
  6. I'm an over planner and over packer. Travel with me and you'll have enough food to live for a week in case of a car accident and you'll definitely die wearing clean underwear. 
  7. I frequently say all those things my dad says, like "Waste not, want not." 
Yup, I'm becoming my dad.

And I couldn't be happier for it.

As I embark on this boozalicious journey, I'm glad that every time I go home, I can bring a little taste of my infusions to taste with my pappy. So get ready, daddy-o, this weekend I've got several for you to taste!

Next time you taste one of my infusions, raise a glass and toast to the man who taught me how to throw a curve ball.

Even though I can't convince you to sign-up for my blog because you're afraid of signing up for things on the internet (just one of the many things I love about you), cheers to you, dad!


Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Yup, I'm a quitter. 

Fighting crime is a pretty stressful job. So, when I'm done with the crime, I also quit caffeine. That's right. Goodbye Redbull. Adios Diet Coke. Peace out to 5-Hour Energy Drink. 

But sadly, I had to also recently say goodbye to one of my life's greatest loves. 

My girlfriend? Nope, she stays!

I had to quit Chai Tea. I'll miss that blend of cinnamon, pepper, ginger and cloves. Mmmmm. 

This is it; the new non-crime fighting Craig. Time to get healthy. 

I even went for a run the other day. Of course, I felt like a three-pack-a-day smoker and had to stop frequently, but I finished. Oh, you should have seen it! I laced up with my circa 1970 Converse All-Stars, socks pulled up to my knees with really trendy red and blue stripes at the top and ran all the way around my parking lot. 

Okay, seriously, I ran further than that and looked much more trendy while booking my buns. 

While I ponder my next few infusions (don't forget, blackberry and cherry bounce are in the hopper), I've made some serious life decisions in the last few days. In order to get healthy (while not cutting flavored infusions out of my diet), I had to make some other sacrifices. 

So, this new caffeine-free diet is for you, readers. 

Until I quit quitting, cheers!


Saturday, August 25, 2012


Okay, okay, okay, I know... I promised you blackberry infused vodka. And I'm a man of my word. I'll reveal that in the next few days.

But I'm just so excited about something totally awesome that I had to share it with you. It's going to be so legendary, that I couldn't quite say it like Barney Stinson does. So, I figured I'd let him explain how awesome it is going to be!

Oh yes, the lactose intolerant joke is my favorite. Mostly because I am.

Okay, I'm so excited that I'm starting to get off track here. Back to the awesomeness. Last Wednesday, a friend and I turned six quarts of cherries into what most assuredly is going to be the most uber awesomest bestest most delicious and tasty infusion in the history of infusions. Oh yes, that's right blog fans now numbering ten, the cherry bounce is here.

I'm so excited (can you tell?) that I can't wait to write it up. It was well worth it to go to the farmer's market on the other side of town, arrive at 6:30am and spend $5 per quart for tart cherries straight out of Door County, Wisconsin.

Mostly, this infusion is going to be LEGEN (wait for it) DARY because the tart cherry crop was almost completely decimated this year. It took a small miracle to get the darn things all the way down to Madison's west side farmer's market. Most farmers just held pick-your-own specials because there weren't enough cherries to hire people to pick them, pack them and ship them. Thus, upon arrival, the tart cherries didn't last long at the farmer's market.

That's right, this party animal (not really) went to bed at 10pm on a Friday night for the first time in six years (not really) to get up at the ass crack of dawn (really) to get fresh tart Door County cherries. And then... I had to promptly freeze them because I was too busy helping my boss win that great crime fighting promotion.

Well, after great patience from a certain someone who occasionally shares a home with me (a home with no space in the freezer) I finally pulled half my stash out and turned them into yummy goodness.  A special thanks also goes to my friend and partner in crime, who came over Wednesday night and helped me clean my freezer (and about a dozen Mason jars and six quarts of cherries).

The cherry bounce project photographed well, and smelled delicious during the concocting process. Oh, and I had to clean my kitchen (for the most part) before the project started, so it was a great excuse to get my life together.

Q: What's more fun than concocting with Craig?
A: Drinking while concocting with Craig!

Yup, my pal and I started off with a glass of Summer Berry Vodka Splash (drinks like a sangria, but tastier).

Then, I cracked a jar of my 2011 Door County Cherry Bounce. First, there's the rich cherry smell. Then, there's the deep red cherry color as it sits in your brandy snifter. Then, there's smell as you bring your glass up to your lips followed by the mixture of sweet and tart as it hits your lips, then your tongue. As it goes down your throat, cherry bounce leaves just the perfect after taste.

Sound boozalicious (and a little dirty)? It was (and it wasn't)! Don't worry, my friend only lives a half a block away. She made it home safely.

You see, cherry bounce is the concoction to beat all other concoctions. Don't believe me? Just try it. I dare you. And I'm making it now, early in the life of this blog. Why wouldn't I save the best for last? Simple. It's cherry season (and I think my girlfriend might like the freezer back).

So, to the ten most dedicated followers, whether you get this emailed to you or you subscribe via Blogger, I promise you that in the coming days, I will not only reveal blackberry vodka, but cherry bounce.

Q: You know what else would be legendary?
A: If you'd help me promote my blog by encouraging friends, neighbors and that one weird guy you pass by on the street every day to sign up via Blogger or to have the blog emailed to them.

A legen (wait for it) dary cheers to you,


P.S. Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012 marks the day most of you will get this blog emailed to you. It also marks the day that my wonderful girlfriend will run the Duluth Triathlon, which she keeps referring to as a half Iron Man (trust me, it's not named after me. if it were, it'd be the vodka man). Yup, my baby will be swimming, biking and running more than 70 miles on Sunday. Her hard work will once again make her more productive by noon than I'll be all day. And I couldn't be more proud. Good luck baby! She truly is legen (wait for it while she finishes her swim... and then her bike... and then her run) dary!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Global Concoctions

In addition to having eight dedicated followers, I'd like to announce my blog has now gone international.

What? That's great, you say? You betchya!

According to Blogger's map, someone in Canada has now viewed my blog. I'm going to pretend for one moment that my Canuck pal Christa wasn't the one who graced me with a click and instead, imagine that total strangers in Canada are catching the infusion craze. Can you believe it?!?!?! There are Canadians with Mason Jars out there making marshmallow vodka!

Maybe not, but a guy can dream.

Stay tuned. I'm about to crack my blackberry vodka open and I'm pretty excited about it!



Sunday, August 19, 2012

Summer Berry Vodka Infusion

With the exception of the marshmallow infused vodka, I’ve had a very berry time infusing things for you. But I had “berry” high hopes for this one. What, too cheesy? Never! Not this lactose intolerant guy! Hey-Oh!

Like all good concoctours (i just made that word up), I took a sip before publishing this blog. Holy cats man, this infusion takes the cake. Perhaps one of the best fruit infusions I've done yet. I'm not even joking. You'll have to try it to see what I mean. So, where did I find this delicious recipe, you ask?

A drink so nice, I tried it twice!
A couple years ago, I went big. I wanted my own infusion jar for big projects. So, I went online and nabbed a great jar from the good people at And wouldn’t you know it, the thing came with a recipe book. Now, I don’t just infuse out of this book, but it’s been very handy on occasion. If waiting for my blog posts to come out is wearing on your patience and you’re not much for Googling creative recipes, get your own copy of their infusion recipe book here.

Oh, and when making this infusion, be careful. Berries will stain!

Preparation Time: About 15 minutes
Infusion period: 5 days
Materials you’ll need:
·      1 pint of fresh raspberries
·      1 pint of fresh blackberries
·      One quart-sized canning jar
·      375ML of vodka (or more if you like)
·      wire strainer or a coffee filter (not pictured)
·      funnel (not pictured)
·      1 pint fresh raspberries
·      1 pint fresh blackberries
·      375 ML vodka (or just fill your jar all the way up, like me)
Approximately 17 ounces.

How to make this tasty drink:
1.     Wash your fresh berries, removing any bad berries.
Strawberry cutting board
not included.
2.     Pour in 375 ML of vodka. If your canning jar has a measurement on the side like mine, use it to measure your vodka. (Quick note: Someone once asked me if you had to add the vodka first and my answer is simple; nope! You can do this in whatever order you want. After you are done, you are going to shake the dickens out of it anyways. I supposed, however, adding the vodka at the end would speed up the process a tad. I’m just lazy and don’t like to dirty multiple measuring cups.)
3.     Add your berries to your canning jar.
4.     Seal your jar (duh)
5.     Don’t forget to add your “ready” date.
6.     Shake it up.
7.     Store in a cool dry place.
8.     Shake well every day, or even a couple times a day if you’d like. The key to this tasty drink is the juices.
9.     Optional: strain from your canning jar into another container with a coffee filter or cheesecloth if your guests are squeamish about the berry bits.

How to drink your tasty drink:
Much like most infusions, you can serve this vodka infusion many ways.

My taste test included drinking this warm, like the manly man I am. But, for you pansies out there (aka, me for all future tastings), you may want to consider chilling before serving or serving over ice.

This vodka was so flavorful that it may be nice to drink chilled in a martini glass straight up, but I'd imagine it would taste great with soda water, tonic water or a white soda.

What I learned after doing this for the very first time:
The finished product!
I tried something new this time. I sipped a partial shot of this drink with someone else so I could get their reaction from it. And what better a person than your intern? Talk about intern hazing. "Hey, come over here and drink this" isn't exactly something you can say to an intern who you don't know very well. That's why I was lucky this particular intern has been interning for me in various capacities for the past two years; a total partner in crime. Don't worry, she's over 21 and I only gave her a half a shot (friends don't let interns drive drunk).

Her reaction was the same as mine. First and foremost, this was the best smelling infusion yet. The color is a bit dark due to the blackberries, but the smell could draw an entire room full of people in. And  this infusion tastes just as flavorful as it smells! Wow. While she shot her portion, I sipped it and savored it. You know, swishing it around in my mouth a little bit like you see those wine tasters on TV do. I had no idea what I was doing, but I do know for sure that I had just made something magical. Trust me, don't shoot this, savor it. 

Want some fun mixed drinks?
Summer Berry Vodka Splash:
Add 1 oz. of Cointreau, 5 oz. cranberry juice and 1 oz. of your Summer Berry infusion in a tall glass of ice. Garnish with a lime.

Recipe Alterations:
As I’ve already admitted, this recipe calls for 375ML of vodka but I almost never stick to that. I filled my infusion jar all the way up. Hey, I'm of modest means and want to stretch my booze a bit further.

If you enjoy this blog (and if you like creative booze), please consider signing up on the right side of this blog to follow by email. 

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Back at it

When I first created this blog, my personal goal was to publish a new infusion about ever week or so. I'm not sure I ever really promised you this lofty goal, but I promised myself. And predictably, I have failed you (me).
Too busy to blog? Yes.
Too busy to drink? Nope.

So what gives?

I feel like I owe you an apology. And by you, I mean all 7 of you who are signed up to receive my blog posts via email and the one guy who "subscribed" to this blog via Blogger. So here goes...

I was robbed. Someone broke right into my house, and stole my laptop, my Mason Jars and my glass flasks. It was tragic. The police thought it odd that someone would steal five jars of moonshine and a few bottles of cheap Brandy, so they blew me off.  

Don't believe me? 

Okay, that's not true. 

Not in the least. 

The truth is, work got in the way. 

When using a martini shaker, I've always
found it important to add my own fun!
Note, this isn't my house.
Way too classy for me.
Now, I know what you are thinking, "Craig, what job could you possibly have that could get in the way of booze?" I could tell you, but when I started this blog, I vowed to leave work out of it (sort of...with the exception of this post...). So let's just say this. For the past several years, I've been working for a secret society of ordinary humans who do extraordinary things. No I don't wear tights and a cape (this part is true), so get your mind out of the gutter. I actually wear this really strong yet light weight weaponized metal suit with rockets under my feet that allows me to fly (or jeans and a button down shirt). I have a boss that I've never met (read: see regularly) who sends me and my friends around the world (read: surrounding counties) to defeat the bad guys (read: this part is actually kinda true). My boss was recently up for a pretty big promotion in the crime fighting industry and I spent a lot of time helping him out. I'm proud to announce, mission accomplished!

Don't worry, I might have been too busy to blog, but I haven't been too busy to share my infusions. I recently attended a fun party where my buddy's wife and I got a bit tipsy off marshmallow vodka. It was delicious!  

Now, with the professional excitement out of the way, I can finally get back to you, the most dedicated eight people I've ever met.

So strap on your seat belt, because this infusion world is about to take off! I have a friend who's promised to try bacon infused bourbon and guest blog about it right here. Others have suggested I try some really fun stuff in the future. It's all coming. 

In the meantime, if you've got something that you want me to post, just leave me a comment. I'll try anything once... well, almost anything!

